Author: Dirk Hagemann
Difficulty: medium

Double Stops

Playing "double stops," means playing on two strings at once. You can find Double Stops in Blues and Rock´n Roll, from the Stones to Heavy Metal are the possibilities for this simple technique. But there are triple stops (three strings) and quadruple stops (four strings) as well.

For a Double Stop you hold two strings with one finger or you use ring finger and pinky.

Recommended songs: Chuck Berry used Double Stops in nearly every song! See "Johnny Be Goode", "Roll over Beethoven" and many others!

Double Stop Exercises

mp3 Listen to a mp3 of the Excercises

Double Stops

Double Stop Song

mp3 Listen to a mp3 of the Double Stop Song

I found this GuitarPro on the internet and changed it to make a nice and easy Double Stop Song you can play.

Double Stops Song


GuitarPro Double Stop Exercises

GuitarPro Double Stop Song Ebook - "Easy to learn Blues Guitar"

Learn to play Blues the easy way
This guitar course (about 70 pages) is especially written for people who are quite new to playing guitar.

Here you will find all you need to learn how to play the Blues:

* All beginner lessons are included in this ebook!
* You start from the first 12-bar-Blues to your first Blues solo licks.
* You´ll learn about Blues chords, the Blues scale, bendings, vibratos, slide guitar and much more!
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